First Term, Academic Year 2020/2021 M 416 - Theory of computation | Helwan University Faculty of science Math. Department |
Course Description
This module introduces the theory of computation through a set of abstract machines that serve as models for computation - finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines – and examines the relationship between these automata and formal languages. Additional topics beyond the automata classes themselves include deterministic and nondeterministic machines, regular expressions, context free grammars, undecidability, and the P = NP question.
Course Objectives:
Finite automata are useful models for many important kinds of hardware and software. Here are the most important kinds: Software for designing and checking the behavior of digital circuits; The “lexical analyzer” of a typical complier, that is, the compiler component that breaks the input text into logical units, such as identifiers, keywords, and punctuation; Software for scanning large bodies of text, such as collections of Web pages, to find occurrences of words, phrases, or other patterns; Software for verifying systems of all types that have a finite number of distinct states, such as communication protocols or protocols for secure exchange of information.
Course Components
1. Basic concepts and definitions; Set operations; partition of a set
2. Equivalence relations; Properties on relation on set.
3. Proving Equivalences about Sets.
4. Central concepts of Automata Theory.
5. Regular Expressions; Operations on Regular expressions
6. Finite Automata and Regular Expressions.
7. Conversion from FA and regular expressions.
8. Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA); Minimization of DFA.
9. Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA).
10. Equivalence of Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite Automata.
11. Equivalence between DFA,NFA, NFA-Λ
12. Context-Free Grammars.
13. Parse Trees; Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages.
14. Standard Forms; Chomsky Normal Forms;
15. Greibach normal Forms.
16. Minimization of CFG’s.
17. Pushdown Automata (PDA).
18. Deterministic and Non-Deterministic (PDA); Formal definition of NPDA.
19. Transition functions of NPDA; NPDA Execution.
20. Accepting Strings with NPDA; Equivalence of PDAs and CFG.
21. The Turing Machine.
22. Programming Techniques for Turing Machines; Formal definition of TM’s.
23. TM’s as acceptors; TM’s as transducers; Recognizing Languages with TM’s.; Sorting with
24. TM’s.; Programming in TM’s.
25. Multiple Tracks, Subroutines, Complexity issues and analysis
Text book:
Title: Introduction to Computer Theory
Author: Daniel I. A. Cohen
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Second Edition, 1997.
In addition to the above, the students will be provided with handouts by the lecturer.
John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation", Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001
Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
- Acquire a full understanding and mentality of Automata Theory as the basis of all computer science
languages design
- Have a clear understanding of the Automata theory concepts such as RE's, DFA's, NFA's, Stack's,
Turing machines, and Grammars
Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis).
- Be able to design FAs, NFAs, Grammars, languages modelling, small compilers basics
- Be able to design sample automata
Communication skills (personal and academic).
- Be able to minimize FA's and Grammars of Context Free Languages
Practical and subject specific skills (Transferable Skills).
Evaluation Method:
Method | Percentage |
Quizzes & Assignments | 10% |
Projects | 10% |
Mid Test | 10% |
Final Examination | 70% |
Course Topics
Week | Basic and support material to be covered | Slides | Homework |
(1) | Basic concepts and definitions Set operations; partition of a set Equivalence relations; Properties on relation on set; Proving Equivalences about Sets. Central concepts of Automata Theory. |
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(2) | Regular Expressions; Operations on Regular expressions Finite Automata and Regular Expressions. Recursive definitions; Conversion from FA and regular expressions; Kleen’s Theory; Mealy Moore Machines. Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa. | ||
(3) | Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA). Minimization of DFA; Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA). |
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(4) | Equivalence of Deterministic and Non- Deterministic Finite Automata. | ||
(5) | Finite Automata with Epsilon-Transition. Equivalence between DFA,NFA, NFA-Λ | Lecture 3b | Assignment 1 |
(6) | Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages. Closure Properties of Regular Languages. | Lecture 4 | Sheet 3 |
(7) | Context-Free Grammars; Regular Grammars; Parse Trees. | Lecture 5 |
(8) | Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages. Standard Forms; Chomsky Normal Forms; Greibach normal Forms. | Lecture 6 | Sheet 4 |
(9) | Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages; Closure Properties of Context-Free Languages; Minimization of CFG’s. | Lecture 7 |
(10) | Pushdown Automata (PDA). | Lecture 8 | Sheet 5 |
(11) | Deterministic and Non-Deterministic (PDA); Formal definition of NPDA. Transition functions of NPDA; NPDA Execution; Accepting Strings with NPDA; Equivalence of PDAs and CFG. | Lecture 9 |
(12) | The Turing Machine. | Lecture 10 | Sheet 6 |
(13) | Programming Techniques for Turing Machines; Formal definition of TM’s. TM’s as acceptors; TM’s as transducers; Recognizing Languages with TM’s.; Sorting with TM’s.; Programming in TM’s | Lecture 11 |
(14) | Multiple Tracks, Subroutines, Complexity issues and analysis | Lecture 12 | Sheet 7 |
(15) Specimen examination (Optional) | Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG. | Lecture 13 |
(16) Final Examination | Revision |
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